Well I'm in San Fransisco at the moment at the ACM I3D. It's going well so far, and I've managed to slip some time into week 2's development. I have managed to generate the maze in 3D and display the resulting layers, along with functionality to rotate it, but I've encountered a problem. There are far too many exits and entries on each layer. I need to find a maze generation algorithm that still spans multiple layers, but minimized the layer-layer tunnels (since I don't want the player rotating the maze needlessly).
First maze (only one layer, so all cells lead to neighboring cells in 2d:
A different maze with 10 layers using same maze generation algorithm. The first image shows the first layer where red cells lead to the layer below.
This image shows the cells leading down as red, and the layers leading up as green. The blue cells have both layers (tunnels) though.
I will need to minimize this. I'll experiment more tomorrow. I'll detail my maze generation algorithm (although it's super simple) during the final post.
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