Monday, March 10, 2014

Preview: Week 2

This week is a little hectic, I will be leaving for a conference on Thursday and won't be back until Monday, so I will have to code on the road!

The idea for this week is to create a 3D maze.  The player will enter one side of the maze and must work their way through a 3D cube of tunnels until they find the exit.  The player will always see from "above" the cube and can rotate it left, right, up, down.  The player inside the maze will also rotate with the cube, but the layer that the player is in w.r.t. the "down" direction will always be the visible slice, so the player will always be able to look from above.  Hopefully once this is implemented it will be clearer :-D

I wanted to use HTML5 for this one as I'm particularly excited about it, but due to my time constraints, I will be using C++/OpenGL/SDL again (same as last week).


  1. 3D maze generation inside a cubical area.  One exit, one output.
  2. Player navigation and input to manipulate cube
  3. Maze cube rotates around different directions, displays topmost layer at all times to player, modify directions the player navigates w.r.t the current rotation (always looking from same direction on cube, but cube will rotate).
Stretch Goals

  1. Use 3D texture for the generated maze, use OGL to slice the cube to view inside the texture.
  2. Multiple maze cubes within a larger maze cube. Each smaller cube can be rotated independently if the player is inside it.

Happy coding everyone, see you next Sunday (or Monday, I may be on a plane :-S )


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